Traditional Jew's Harp of the Vietnamese mountain people Hmong. The band's fresh approach to folk music has taken rune-songs to the places where they have never figured before. The band's radio singles were followed by great success, the songs got their fair share of air-play on both national and local radio stations. Their singles also entered the Raadio 2 music chart R2 Top 20 and stayed in the chart for over 20 weeks.
And they say that in the old days in Yakutia only women played on the khomus, the musician shares legends. Young girls on girlish gatherings through khomus gave out their secrets to girlfriends, shared about who they were in love with. And older women could be exchanged for jokes gossip or even scold.
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Du placage de bambou a été utilisé parce que celui-ci est plus solide que le bambou naturel. Un véritable "tube de résonance", d'une haute qualité acoustique, est fabriqué avec des fines couches de bambou. Cela, et une nouvelle technique d'accordage, donne au son plus de profondeur et enrichit les harmoniques. Le diamètre du tube est de 6,3 cm et la longueur est de 16,5 cm, 4 cm de plus que les anciens Shantis. Les carillons Koshi devraient bien durer en extérieur. Cependant, comme avec tous les objets en bois, ils doivent être traités avec une huile protectrice. Je dois admettre que pour l'instant je ne peux vous donner aucune garantie, n'ayant pas assez de recul dans le temps. Le son des carillons est absolument merveilleux pour des enfants. Mais pour des raisons de sécurité, ils devraient être mis hors de la portée des enfants de moins de trois ans.
My daughter eagerly looks forward to her (harp) lessons every week. Lisa makes the lessons enjoyable, both inspiring my daughter to continue playing the harp and encouraging her to practice and learn new music. She is both flexible and reliable as a teacher. She makes learning harp fun and rewarding.
This is the best restaurant in Yakutsk, and the only place in Yakutsk where it is possible to get a decent steak. Other places offer steak, but this is the only place that has a clue as to how to cook them. It still hasn't attained the level of some of the better steak houses in Moscow, but for Yakutsk, it is not too bad. This place has excellent food and excellent service. The decor is very nicely decorated in a classical style, with various period paintings.
In the same vein, I read an interview with an old Louisiana harmonica player who said that when he was young, the harmonica was called a "French harp," a term of derision, implying that the Cajuns in Louisiana were too poor to buy one of their own—a term that was later shortened to harp, which is still used to refer to harmonicas in America today.
The resonance chambers of mouth and chest of the player can amplifie a certain range of frequencies, irrespective of the fundamental note of the Jew's Harp. This range of tones that can be played is certainly different for each individual player. In her monograph on the Jew's Harp, Regina Plate states that the pitches that can be played range from 500 to 2000 Hz, corresponding to two octaves. In my experience tones with a frequency of up to ca. 2300 Hz can be played. The altered resonance functioning at closed voice chink allows to play tones as deep as about 250 Hz. E.g., the tones heard in sound sample 11 range from 294 to 784 Hz.
The ‘Koshi' chime is an authentic musical instrument, an original creation of high quality. Hand made at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship. Eight chords are welded with silver into the metal plate at the base of the resonance tube. Precise tuning creates a play of clear tones that is rich in overtones. The overtones of the shorter chords gradually dominate and become fundamentals, thus forming a circular tone range. Koshi chimes come in four tunings (Terra, Aqua, Aria & Ignis). Each has a specific magic timbre and can be played harmoniously with all others. The tube, made in our workshop, consists of bamboo veneer treated with natural oil. Move the chime gently holding it by its cord: the crystalline, relaxing sound may leave you in quiet wonder. Outside, as it plays with the wind it will carry you away on an unexpected melody.
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